Hobknocker Dark English Ale Extract Beer Recipe Kit
Drool-inducing, belch-bearing pint of dark ale deliciousness! ------- Clone of Hobgoblin English Dark Ale from Wychwood Brewery
That Hobknocker is a fine fellow. He's a beady-eyed, pointy-eared, axe-wielding, dog-licking, wart-popping, snake-kissing, nose-hair-braiding, toe-fungus-tasting, drool-snorting, maggot-milking, snotty-faced, inbred oaf of a scalawag. And he smells like a gym sock fermented in armpit juice. And those are just his good qualities. But he hoists a fine ale, and you can aspire to be just like him when you indulge in this delectable dark English ale, with its lovely layers of caramel unfolding before the silky-malt sweetness and roasted nuttiness, all superbly nestled in the hop-spicy finish. So sit on your knotty stool with this ruby pint and clink tankards with that rapscallion, for after an afternoon's indulgence of this fine session ale, you'll shed a few of your lesser qualities to become more like the Hobknocker. Cheers!