Alcohol By Volume ABV Calculator

Welcome to our easy-to-use ABV calculator. Curious about the alcohol content in your homebrewed beer? Simply enter your original gravity (OG) reading (or estimated OG) and your final gravity (FG) reading before you add priming sugar at bottling time. Our calculator will determine your beer's Alcohol by Volume (ABV) based on the gravity change before and after fermentation. It's a quick and convenient way to find out your batch's ABV and ensure your brew is just right. Happy brewing!

Alcohol by Volume (ABV) Calculator

Result Value
Alcohol by Volume (ABV) --%
Apparent Attenuation --%
Calories -- kcal per 12 oz

Beer Brewing Terms

Below you will find home brewing terms related to home brewing and alcohol calculations to help you understand the beer brewing process.

Alcohol by Volume (ABV)
ABV is the percentage of alcohol in the final beer, showing its strength and potency. It is calculated using the original and final gravity readings in the formula listed below.
Specific Gravity
Specific gravity measures a liquid's density compared to water. Brewers use it to monitor fermentation progress and calculate beer's alcohol content. Specific gravity is measured with tools like hydrometers and refractometers.
Original Gravity (OG)
The density of wort before fermentation starts. It indicates the amount of fermentable sugars available for yeast to convert into alcohol. A higher OG means a potentially higher alcohol beer.
Final Gravity (FG)
The density of beer after fermentation is finished. It shows the remaining unfermented sugars and helps determine the amount of sugar converted to alcohol. Lower FG usually means a drier beer with higher alcohol content. The final gravity is also used in computing a home brewed beer's calories.
Alcohol by Volume (ABV) Formula
This is the equation used to calculate alcohol content based on original and final gravity. A common formula is: (OG - FG) x 131.25. The final value is expressed as alcohol by volume as a percentage. Thus, a calculated value of 5.2% means 5.2% percent alcohol by volume.
Fermentation is the anerobic process whereby yeast metabolizes sugars in wort and produces alcohol and carbon dioxide, transforming wort into beer.
Attenuation is a term that indicates the percentage of sugars converted into alcohol during fermentation. It is determined by comparing the original and final gravity and indicates yeast efficiency. High attenuation generally means drier beer. Low attenuation typically signals a sweeter beer.
A device used to measure the specific gravity (density) of liquids. It is essential for brewers to determine OG and FG for ABV calculations. Hydrometers are also used to monitor a fermentation's progression.
An alternative tool for measuring wort's density, or specific gravity. Refractometers are often preferred because they only require a few drops of liquid for measurement.