Pumpkinaholics Anonymous Hush Hush Ale Extract Beer Recipe Kit
Oh, please please gimme more pumpkin!
Time to face the facts. Your first step in the twelve-step program is to admit you're powerless over pumpkin, and now your life has become unmanageable. Okay, so now that you've made the admission, it's time to BRING IT ON! Oh, that gorgeous, scrumptious, delicious pumpkin! Oh, gimme gimme gimme more more more! Because resistance is a folly when it comes to this ale's creamy malt and delectable caramel and balanced hoppiness all wrapped up neatly in a smorgasbord explosion of PUMPKIN! Yes, pumpkin, with its velvety mouthfeel and delicate zing and accompanying spicy goodness that blesses you with the smell of pumpkin cookies fresh from the oven and wafting aromas about the kitchen such that you just need to jam it down your throat! Okay, take a few deep breaths and regain control. That's better. So go ahead and have another sip. We'll keep your secret hush hush, so you won't lose your anonymity!