Wine Conditioner - 500ml
Wine Conditioner 500ml
In home wine, cider and mead making, the term "Wine Conditioner" is commonly used to describe a simple sugar syrup used for sweetening a finished wine. Our wine conditioner is composed of liquid invert sugar, which provides the sweetness, and potassium sorbate, a compound derived from blueberries that inhibits yeast activity to prevent further fermentation. This dual-action allows winemakers to sweeten their wine to the desired level without the risk of re-fermentation, which can lead to excessive bottle carbonation, which can later blow out corks or explode bottles. Wine conditioner can reduce the aging time required for some wines. This works by counterbalancing wine's acidity, which results in a smoother taste profile more quickly. However, it's important to use this product carefully, following the recommended guidelines, to maintain the quality and flavor of the wine. To see our help page with full instructions on how to stabilize and sweeten your wine, cider or mead, click here.