Salivator Dopplebock Lager All Grain Beer Recipe Kit
Good enough to make you drool!
You have selected an all-grain beer recipe. to brew this recipe, you will require advanced brewing equipment for mashing, sparging, boiling and cooling.
Okay, so you finally consider yourself cured of your dreaded affliction known as dribblechin. Very good, then. Shall we do a word association? Fine, now repeat after me. "Rich and entrapping maltiness." Any problems? No? Now say, "Rocky and immovable head blanketing the big, full-bodied, ruby-highlighted, deep brown lager." Ahem. You're dripping. What's that you say? You're fine? Ready to continue? All right, try this one: "Creamy and warming goodness unraveling aromatic toastiness, sweet kettle caramel and an ever-so-slight embrace of chocolate." Oh, for crying-out-loud! You're beyond needing a bib, and a face-diaper won't work. We're gonna need some manmade wonder like the Hoover Dam to contain your embarrassing disorder for delicious beer, you hopeless salivator!