The Ultimate Winemaking Conversion Cheat Sheet

Winemaking is a fine balance of chemistry, patience, and just the right touch of artistry. Whether you're adjusting sulfite levels, calculating sugar additions, or dialing in acidity, precision is key to crafting the perfect bottle. This guide lays out all the essential conversions, formulas, and an interactive calculator to simplify your winemaking process. Because the less time spent on calculations, the more time we have to enjoy a glass.

Basic Volume Conversions

Measurement Teaspoons (tsp) Tablespoons (tbsp) Fluid Ounces (fl oz) Milliliters (mL) Cups Pints Quarts Gallons
1 tsp 1 1/3 1/6 4.93 - - - -
1 tbsp 3 1 1/2 14.79 - - - -
1 fl oz 6 2 1 29.57 1/8 - - -
1 cup 48 16 8 237 1 1/2 1/4 1/16
1 pint 96 32 16 473 2 1 1/2 1/8
1 quart 192 64 32 946 4 2 1 1/4
1 gallon 768 256 128 3,785 16 8 4 1

Winemaking-Specific Conversions & Formulas

Conversion Formula / Approximate Value
Campden Tablet (1 per gallon) ~30 ppm free SO₂
Target Sulfite Levels 50 ppm (short-term) / 100-150 ppm (long-term)
1 lb Table Sugar (Sucrose) in 1 Gallon ~1.046 SG boost
Brix to Specific Gravity SG = (Brix / (258.6 - (Brix / 258.2) × 227.1)) + 1
Tartaric Acid Addition 1 g per liter (~3.8 g per gallon) lowers pH ~0.1
Recommended Wine Yeast Pitching Rate 0.75M cells/mL/°Brix (White) / 1.5M cells/mL/°Brix (Red)

Bottling Guide for Winemakers

Batch Size 750ml Bottles 1L Bottles
1 Gallon 5 4
5 Gallons 25 20
10 Gallons 50 40
15 Gallons 75 60

Interactive Winemaking Conversion Calculator

Use this interactive tool to quickly convert between different volume measurements, sugar additions, and sulfite levels.

Why Precision Matters in Winemaking

Winemaking is a game of patience and chemistry. A little too much or too little of any ingredient can alter the final character of your wine. So do yourself a favor and keep accurate records and use precise conversions so that each bottle is as good as (or better than) the last.