The Ultimate Cider-Making Conversion Cheat Sheet

Cider-making is where old-world tradition meets backyard innovation. You can keep cider making as simple or complex as you would like. There are certainly many things to consider, like tweaking sugar levels, or adjusting acidity for balance, and precision is key to crafting the perfect batch. This guide lays out essential cider-making conversions, fermentation formulas, and an interactive calculator to make your process smoother—because making cider should be fun, not frustrating.

Basic Volume Conversions

Measurement Teaspoons (tsp) Tablespoons (tbsp) Fluid Ounces (fl oz) Milliliters (mL) Cups Pints Quarts Gallons
1 tsp 1 1/3 1/6 4.93 - - - -
1 tbsp 3 1 1/2 14.79 - - - -
1 fl oz 6 2 1 29.57 1/8 - - -
1 cup 48 16 8 237 1 1/2 1/4 1/16
1 pint 96 32 16 473 2 1 1/2 1/8
1 quart 192 64 32 946 4 2 1 1/4
1 gallon 768 256 128 3,785 16 8 4 1

Cider-Specific Conversions & Formulas

Conversion Formula / Approximate Value
1 Gallon Apple Juice ~8.5 lbs
Average Starting Gravity of Fresh Apple Juice ~1.045 – 1.055 SG
Sugar Needed to Boost Gravity 1 lb Sugar = +0.046 SG per gallon
Target Final Gravity for Dry Cider ~0.995 – 1.000 SG
Target Final Gravity for Sweet Cider ~1.010 – 1.020 SG
Malic Acid Adjustment 1 g per liter (~3.8 g per gallon) lowers pH ~0.1
Recommended Yeast Pitching Rate 0.5M cells/mL/°Brix

Bottling Guide for Cider Makers

Batch Size 12 oz Bottles 500 mL Bottles 750 mL Bottles
1 Gallon 10 8 5
5 Gallons 54 40 25
10 Gallons 108 80 50
15 Gallons 162 120 75

Interactive Cider-Making Conversion Calculator

Use this interactive tool to quickly convert between different volume measurements, sugar additions, and acidity adjustments.

Why Precision Matters in Cider-Making

All said and done, cider-making is simple—you ferment some apple juice, let it clear and then bottle it. But small tweaks in sugar, acidity, and fermentation management make a huge impact on the final flavor. And small tweaks are easy, so why not make them? We hope you enjoy this information to help you produce the best and most reliable cider every time!